Scholarships In Singapore for Undergraduate Studies

A Guide to Scholarships In Singapore for Undergraduate Studies

Universities in Singapore, as well as private organizations and ministries, offer a variety of scholarships to Singaporean students. Students must simply apply for them on time and provide all required documentation.

Scholarships Offered by Universities

Singapore’s National University (NUS)

NUS Global Merit Scholarship, NUS Undergraduate (Merit) Scholarship, NUS Undergraduate Scholarship, Kent Ridge Undergraduate (Merit) Scholarship, and Kent Ridge Undergraduate Scholarship are available to Singapore students. These scholarships cover the entire cost of tuition, as well as a living allowance and housing.

Eligibility: Applicants must be Singapore citizens with outstanding Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘A’ level, Local Polytechnic Diploma, NUS High School Diploma, IB Diploma, or Year 12 comparable qualifications, as well as outstanding co-curricular records and leadership abilities.

Nanyang Technological University (NTU)

NTU offers a variety of scholarships to students pursuing full-time undergraduate study at the university. Scholarships are usually given to students who have excelled academically and have a strong extracurricular record.
Visit for more information about NTU’s scholarships.

Singapore University of Design and Technology (SUTD)

The Lee King Chian Scholars’ Programme, SMU Scholars’ Programme, ASEAN Undergraduate Scholarship, Bangkok Bank Scholarship, Li Ka Shing Endowed Scholarship, and Tanoto Scholarship are all available at SMU.

All nationalities are welcome.
Eligibility: The applicant must be a full-time undergraduate student at SMU with strong academic credentials. In addition, the applicant should have a strong record of extracurricular activities and excellent communication and leadership abilities.

Singapore University of Design and Technology (SUTD)

SUTD offers a variety of scholarships to Singaporean students who want to pursue a career in technology and design while also demonstrating academic brilliance, leadership traits, and extraordinary abilities and potential. Visit to learn more about the SUTD Scholarship programs.

Scholarships Offered by Ministries, Statutory Boards, and Private Organizations

Industry-Singapore Scholarship (SgIS)

Enterprises in Singapore’s strategic sectors, in partnership with the Singapore Government, offer the Singapore-Industry Scholarship (SgIS). The scholarship is intended to help students develop skills and competencies that will help them to direct and contribute to strategic sectors.

Scholarships For International Students

ASEAN Scholarships

The ASEAN Undergraduate Award is a freshman scholarship available to excellent students from ASEAN member countries. ASEAN Scholarships pay tuition and living expenses for one academic year, provided the scholarship bearer maintains an exceptional academic record and conduct acceptable to the university.

Eligibility: Applicants must be citizens of an ASEAN member country, excluding Singapore, and have an outstanding Singapore-Cambridge GCE ‘A’ level, Local Polytechnic Diploma, NUS High School Diploma, IB Diploma, or Year 12 equivalent qualification, as well as outstanding co-curricular records and strong leadership qualities.



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