How to prepare for early morning classes the day before

how to wake up for early morning classes


If you’re an early morning person, you know how hard it can be to wake up and get ready for class on time. You might be groggy and tired when you go to bed at night, but then you wake up early the next day and have no energy. But there are ways to make sure that getting up early won’t leave your brain foggy all day long. In this article, I’ll tell you how I prepare for my early morning classes after a full night’s rest—and how I got so comfortable with waking up early that I no longer need an alarm clock!

Get all of your clothes ready the night before.

Get all of your clothes ready the night before. If you want to avoid a mad dash in the morning, make sure you have everything you need for class ready to go and accessible. Not only will this help get your day off on the right foot, but it can also save time when it comes time to do laundry (which inevitably happens after every three days of school).

The easiest way to do this is by setting up all of your clothes for school at home so that when it’s time for bed or waking up in the morning, simply getting dressed is as easy as opening a drawer or closet door. You should also consider buying easy-to-put-on and comfortable clothing that won’t take too much time or effort when putting on it during early morning hours.

Keep a snack and water bottle in a spot where you can easily grab them.

Keep a snack and water bottle in a spot where you can easily grab them.

Your body needs fuel to function, so it’s important to keep both your mind and body nourished. You’ll want to keep a healthy snack on hand so that if hunger strikes during class, you can eat without having to run back home first. Avoid foods that will weigh down your stomach or make you feel sluggish (like potato chips), but don’t go overboard with the healthy stuff either—you don’t want anything too heavy! Just choose something light enough that it won’t weigh down your stomach, but still filled with enough nutrients that it won’t leave you feeling hungry later on in the day either.

Another thing worth considering is whether or not this particular snack will be easy enough for you to eat when leaving for class early in the morning; consider things like crumbs falling all over the place as well as whether or not there will be time for eating before getting into the class itself. If nothing else, just make sure whatever food choice(s) end up being made are light enough so they can be eaten with ease while also ensuring they aren’t messy ones either!

Set an alarm and make sure your phone is fully charged.

  • Set an alarm.
  • Make sure your phone is fully charged before you go to bed. If it dies—or if, God forbid, you forget to turn off the alarm—you may not be able to get up on time. Even if your charger is right next to your bed, sometimes things happen and chargers get lost or stolen or fall out of their sockets when you’re sleeping. You never know! So make sure that if something like this happens, at least your phone has enough power for one last wake-up call before its battery gives out for good (and there’s nothing worse than waking up in a panic because you think there’s no way anyone could hear the alarm except then realizing that yes indeed they did).
  • Make sure your phone is in a place where you can hear it easily—and won’t fall off of its charger as soon as it vibrates/beeps loudly at 6 AM!

Pack up your bag before going to bed if you can, or at least lay out the books and papers you need in the morning.

If you can, pack everything up the night before so that you just have to grab your bag and go in the morning. If you can’t do this, at least lay out the books and other materials you need on your desk so that they’re ready for when class starts. If there’s no room in your bag for everything, but some of it on top of other items so that it’s easy for you to access them in the morning.

There are a few different ways to make sure this goes smoothly:

  • Put your bag in an easy-to-grab spot (next to where it would normally be) so that when class begins, all you need do is get up from bed/your seat at a table/etc., grab your backpack (or whatever), and head off toward wherever group meetings are held during the first period.
  • Put something next to or inside of said backpack that has sentimental value—like a picture of yourself smiling with friends or family members—and take solace in this while waiting outside until everyone else arrives at school before heading into class.

Ease waking up early by going to bed early for the first couple of weeks.

I know it’s hard to wake up early, but if you’re going to be doing it every day for a while, you might as well get used to it now. The easiest way is by gradually getting up earlier and earlier each day—this gives your body time to adjust and helps prevent grogginess later in the day.

Start with sleeping in your clothes or wearing socks that are easy enough to remove quickly so that if you do hear the alarm go off (as long as there isn’t a cat around), all you have to do is slip into them before leaving. If possible, stay in bed until the last minute possible before getting up—you will be less likely to oversleep than if you had been sitting on your bed waiting for an hour already!

If going outside would disturb anyone else who sleeps at night (like parents), try using sound machines or white noise apps instead of opening windows wider than necessary (if any) when returning home from class late at night; this will help block out noises from other areas of nearby buildings so they don’t keep waking someone else up again after hearing them once!

Do some breathing exercises when you first wake up to get yourself energized.

When you wake up, your body is in a state of rest. You’re asleep and your muscles are more relaxed than usual. That’s why it’s so easy for us to fall out of bed when we wake up. Our bodies aren’t ready for this sudden change in position, so we stumble around like zombies until our brains catch up with what’s going on around us.

Breathing exercises can help with this process by getting your body energized while also helping you focus on the present moment (a skill that will come in handy during class). They’ll also allow you to relax and unwind, which will make it easier for you to fall back into sleep once the class is over—or at least get some extra shuteye before heading off again later in the day!

Get your body moving as soon as possible by stretching, going for a walk, or doing some jumping jacks.

  • When you get out of bed, take a few minutes to stretch your arms and legs. You can do this from where you are or if it’s easier, stand up and do the stretches in front of the mirror.
  • Stretch by bringing one arm across your chest and holding it there for five seconds, then switch sides and repeat on another side as well before moving on to feet stretches: point toes away from each other as far as possible without lifting heels off ground (hold 5 sec), then spread legs out wide apart until they form a 90-degree angle (hold 5 sec).
  • Walk around your room or even outside for at least 10 minutes; not only will this wake you up but also help prevent muscle soreness later in the day!

Listen to upbeat music while you get ready in the morning.

When you’re feeling tired and groggy, the last thing you want to do is get ready for school or work. But if you start your morning with upbeat music, it’ll make it easier to get up, go through your morning routine, and be ready to take on the day.

Here are some tips for choosing the right kind of music:

Preparation makes a big difference in how ready you’ll be for class.

There are a few things you can do to prepare the night before.

  • Get enough sleep. A good night’s rest is essential for performing well in class and being alert throughout the day. The National Sleep Foundation recommends that adults get seven to nine hours of sleep every night, but whatever amount works best for you is fine as long as it’s consistent.
  • Eat breakfast, even if it’s just a piece of toast or a bowl of cereal topped with fruit (we love granola!). Studies show that eating breakfast helps regulate your blood sugar levels and keeps you satisfied until lunchtime, which means no mid-morning snack attack! If possible, try to eat something light because this will keep your stomach from grumbling while you’re trying to learn new material in class; plus, there won’t be much room left after dinner later that evening either!
  • Do some exercise beforehand—even if it’s just taking a quick walk around campus before heading inside for class (or even better yet: go jogging together with friends). This will help wake up those sleepy brain cells so they’re ready when called upon during lecture time later on today! Also note: It doesn’t have to be hard work—just something light like yoga or stretching exercises such as downward dog pose might suffice depending on how much energy each individual has beforehand.”


It may seem like an overwhelming task, but preparation is one of the best ways to ensure a successful day. By putting in these simple steps, you will be more prepared for class and less likely to forget any important items.

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