How to Get Your Kid to Do Homework Effectively

4 Effective Ways to Get Your Kid to Do Homework

Some parents may be more successful with rewards in inspiring their children to do work, while others may become more involved in the process. It will require more discipline for your child to make time to study and do homework, especially if they are transitioning from Kindergarten to Primary School, which will be an excellent habit to establish. Here are some ideas for motivating your child with homework if you haven’t had much luck.


How to Get Your Child to Do Their Homework

1. Make a plan

To begin with, if your child is in Primary 1 or 2, he or she may not have as much homework as students in Upper Primary. When your child believes it is fun outside of school hours, it can be difficult to encourage them to do it. With that in mind, it’s never a bad idea to begin teaching your child how to arrange their daily schedule, as it’s an important ability that can help them succeed. Begin by allowing your child to select when they want to finish their homework. On a workday, for example, it may be between 7 and 8 p.m. On days when your child has no homework, the time can be spent quietly reading, catching up on what was taught earlier in the day, or preparing for the next session. When expectations are established, homework time will become a normal part of their daily routine.


2. Find out the reason

If your child is in Primary 3 to 6, on the other hand, you should figure out what’s keeping them from finishing their schoolwork on time. If your child is struggling in a subject, for example, they may become less interested. You may encourage your child to learn from their mistakes, keep trying, and not give up by first understanding the reason.


3. Remove study distractions

As a result, ensure that your kid has a conducive environment in which to concentrate on academics. With so many distractions around them during study time, it’s easy for your kid to put off finishing it. Set the tone for your child’s productivity by turning off the television and limiting their access to their phone. That way, your child will be able to keep on schedule with his or her homework assignments.


4. Praise your child

Finally, praises such as “You worked hard!” and “Good job!” can boost self-esteem and encourage positive behavior. Your praise and encouragement, in addition to minor prizes, can assist minimise long-term resistance to doing assignments. This can also encourage your kid to work harder on their own and become self-sufficient learners.


Our classes can help your child develop solid study habits that will last a lifetime, including assisting in homework and assignments. Our students gain a leg up on their peers in terms of academic success after primary school. To discover more about our enrichment sessions, contact us now.


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